Главная / Детская и обучающая литература на английском языке / Q501 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stage 4 Read with Oxford Phonics 16 Books by Roderick hunt - Ages 0-5 -Paperback

Q501 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stage 4 Read with Oxford Phonics 16 Books by Roderick hunt - Ages 0-5 -Paperback

Артикул: Q501/D18
7313 руб.
  • Страна
  • Год издания
    2020 г
  • Издательство
    Oxford University press
  • Обложка

Q501 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stage 4 Read with Oxford Phonics 16 Books by Roderick hunt - Ages 0-5 -Paperback

Titles In This Set:

1. Two Left Feet
2. The Time Capsule
3. Ship in Trouble
4. Roman Adventure
5. The Portrait Problem
6. Paris Adventure
7. On The Stage
8. The New Year Race
9. The Jigsaw Puzzle
10. Land of Letters
11. Magic Tricks
12. May Morning
13. The Bigfoot Mystery
14. Holiday in Japan
15. Detective Adventure
16. A Tall Tale


In this Read with Oxford Stage 4: Biff, Chip and Kipper collection, children can put on a play in the Middle Ages, This collection contains 16 stories that are ideal for children who are beginning to read independently. There are tips for parents and fun activities throughout the book for you and your child to enjoy together. Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy the dog are the well-loved characters from Oxford Reading Tree, used in 80% of primary schools.

With exciting stories, humorous illustrations, tips for parents and after-reading activities, this series is the perfect companion from your child's very first steps in phonics all the way to reading independence. Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence.

The Bigfoot Mystery
The magic key takes the children to a forest. What mystery animal do they meet?

A Tall Tale
Uncle Max tells lots of tall tales. Will he enjoy a real adventure?

Detective Adventure
Who will solve the crime? Sherlock Homes or Anneena?

Holiday in Japan
Thanks to Gran, the children have a wonderful holiday!

The Jigsaw Puzzle
What happens when the children’s jigsaw puzzle takes them into the past?

Land of Letters
The magic key takes the children to a world with letters everywhere!

Magic Tricks
Can Wilf fool a magician with his magic trick?

May Morning
What might spoil the maypole dance? Can Mrs May save the day?

Two Left Feet
Mum gets a surprise when Dad learns to dance! 

The Time Capsule
What will the children put in their time capsule?

Ship in Trouble
Can the children help rescue the crew of a ship in trouble?

Roman Adventure
What happens when the children go on a Roman adventure?

The Portrait Problem
The artist Botticelli has a problem. Can the children solve it?

Paris Adventure
The magic key takes the children to Paris. Why can’t they find the Eiffel Tower?

On The Stage
A show about the Wild West leads to an adventure on a stagecoach!

A New Year Race
Which animal will win the race in Grandpa Chen’s story?

Reading Champion

Год издания2020 г
ИздательствоOxford University press
