Главная / Детская и обучающая литература на английском языке / D8 Набор очень плотных карточек Get Set Go Phonics Flashcards Build a Word, Miles Kelly Publishing

D8 Get Set Go Phonics Flashcards Build a Word, Miles Kelly Publishing

Артикул: D8/D8/3
2835 руб.
  • Страна
  • Издательство
    Miles Kelly Publishing
  • Формат
    84 x 127 mm
  • Обложка

D8 Get Set Go Phonics Flashcards Build a Word, Miles Kelly Publishing


Get Set Go Phonics Flashcards: Build a Word contains 100 flashcards to help children aged 4+ to begin to form words of their own as they develop their reading confidence.

  • Your child can physically build words and sentences unaided
  • Cards are durable and easy to handle
  • Raised letters to touch and feel

Get Set Go Phonics Flashcards: Build a Word set covers all the phonemes (sounds) taught at school, as well as introducing blends and different spellings for the same sound. The cards have raised letters to help your child to familiarise themselves with letter shapes as well as sounds.


Cards: 100
Age: 4–7
Size: 84 x 127 mm
Format: Card
ISBN: 9781786171986

ИздательствоMiles Kelly Publishing
Формат84 x 127 mm
